West Virginia Hive Launches Regional Culture of Service Mission

Customized Training Workshop at Tamarack Set for March 25-2

The West Virginia Hive, the entrepreneurship program of the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority (NRGRDA), announced today a regional initiative to improve customer service among frontline businesses, which will kick off March 25-26 with a customized and personalized training workshop at the Tamarack Conference Center.

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The West Virginia Hive, the entrepreneurship program of the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority (NRGRDA), announced today a regional initiative to improve customer service among frontline businesses, which will kick off March 25-26 with a customized and personalized training workshop at the Tamarack Conference Center.

Beckley, W.Va. (February 8, 2024) – The West Virginia Hive, the entrepreneurship program of the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority (NRGRDA), announced today a regional initiative to improve customer service among frontline businesses, which will kick off March 25-26 with a customized and personalized training workshop at the Tamarack Conference Center.

Judy Moore, executive director of the WV Hive and deputy director of NRGRDA, said we want to offer best of class training to help the New River Gorge region and southern West Virginia surpass expectations for visitor experiences, business transactions, and overall customer service and hospitality. “Every dollar people spend in our region and every person who decides to relocate here or return for more visits is an economic multiplier for our community and economic betterment,” she said.

Moore said the WV Hive is partnering with regional chambers of commerce, convention and visitor bureaus, business leaders and others to promote the March 25-26 training sessions, titled “growing your business through a culture of service.”

She added that enhancing our “culture of service” targets a strategic priority for NRGRDA and the WV Hive in improving the New River Gorge region’s “quality of place.” Moore also said global editors of National Geographic recently included the regional and national park to its “Best of World” list. “Our region is in a National spotlight right now and we need to do everything possible to equip our businesses to be better prepared to offer a quality experience to ensure we retain our citizens and encourage return visits,” said Moore.

The WV Hive has contracted with the professional business training firm, Zingerman’s in Ann Arbor, Mich., to offer its tested, research-based “ZingTrain” learning concepts, which will be personalized and customized for the New River Gorge region. The 40-year-old company was called the “Coolest Small Company in the Country” by Inc. magazine.

Moore said Stephanie Stiffler, Vice President of Business Operations at MountainPlex Properties LLC, of Hinton, has previously participated in the training and said, “I’m thrilled to share our fantastic experience with ZingTrain’s customer service training. Since our team first attended the Art of Giving Great Service by ZingTrain, we’ve seen a remarkable change in how we serve our customers. ZingTrain’s training has given our staff the skills and mindset to provide exceptional service, anticipate customer needs, solve issues proactively and go the extra mile for our guests. Thanks to ZingTrain, The Market, Otter and Oak, The Ritz Theatre and the Guest House Inn have all become known for top-notch customer service. I wholeheartedly recommend their program to any industry aiming to level up their service game.”

Timo Anderson, who has been training clients for Zingerman’s for the past 10 years, said, “I have been to the New River Gorge for whitewater rafting and I look forward to returning now that the Congress has designated it a national park and preserve.”

Anderson said, “Southern West Virginia has so much to offer its visitors. In this training, we’ll work with participants to find ways to make visitor experiences even more exceptional and memorable—which will hopefully bring them back time and time again.”

At the conclusion of the training workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explore the management philosophy that has been successful at Zingerman’s.
  • Explain Zingerman’s approach to customer service and how it can be adapted to work in their organization.
  • Use new skills and knowledge to improve their bottom-line performance as managers and leaders.
  • Call upon a network of peers to help get past roadblocks.

The training session – valued at $1,500 – is available to registrants at only $50 per person, plus taxes and fees (including snacks, beverages and lunch) thanks to the support of the WV Hive. Register to attend here. For specific questions, please contact Hannah Morgan at the WV Hive – [email protected] (304) 460-4483. Ext. 114

The WV Hive serves a 13-county area, including Raleigh, Fayette, Summers, Nicholas, Webster, Greenbrier, Pocahontas, Monroe, Mercer, Wyoming, McDowell, Logan, and Mingo counties. More information about the WV Hive can be found at https://wvhive.com/

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