Programs and Projects

The Hive's Programs and Projects

WV Hive Programs and Projects represent sustaining partnerships that support our work.

WV Hive is a partner in the Community + Business Resilience Initiative (CBRI), a collaboration focused on creating conditions for workforce, business, and industry growth in the 21-county ACT Now region through community coaching and planning, site development, and business development services.
The WVU Tech Launch Lab is a resource center for students and the WVU Tech Community to help launch new businesses, products and prototypes. It is a collaboration with the WV Hive.
Communities of Healing is a recovery-to-work ecosystem project designed to spur small business development and employ West Virginians healing from addiction through the growth of social entrepreneurship.
WV Hive is a partner in The WV Community Development Hub’s HubCAP initiative, a community-led economic development program that supports community teams in designing and implementing community revitalization projects over a multi-year period.
PATTERN represents a collaborative, regional approach to accelerating the outdoor and manufacturing industry within the New River Gorge, leveraging West Virginia’s knowledge of outdoor recreation, heritage, and craftmanship to create manufacturing opportunities. PATTERN is an NRGRDA Initiative.